
Thursday, September 27, 2012

5th Grade Mandalas

WOW!  What a great way to recycle.  Mandala's is a project I found on someone's blogsite, but I cannot trace who's it was.  They also posted fabulous directions on how to make the project.  Bear with me...  I'll do the best I can. 
On day 1 the students took one of the cd's that were donated to the art room.
1) Draw 2 circles on the page (I have patterned circles that I use all the time for multiple projects.  We used my large and medium sized circles).  Glue (hot glue) or use masking tape to attach cd to paper.  We used a ruler to draw a line across the center of the cd. 
2) We used a protractor to make marks at 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150.
3)  Flip the project around and do the same to the other side of the cd.
4)  Draw connecting lines through the cd to make "wedges" onto your cd.  Now, focus only on ONE wedge.  Draw simple lines or shapes in that wedge.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Repeat the same design into each of your wedges. 
5)  Color with permanent colored markers.

For the white part of the paper:
1)  Use your ruler to extend the lines from the cd onto the white paper. 
2)  Again, look at one wedge.  The two circles in pencil will help you draw lines and shapes that are approximately the same sizes and shapes.  Keep it simple and draw lines and shapes in one wedge.
3)  Repeat the design in your wedge again and again all the way around the paper.
4)  Color with crayola markers.

LOVE the way these turned out.  They are not "perfect"....  in the way that each wedge is EXACT, but who cares- boo boo's are beautiful in the artroom!  I was amazed at how these turned out. 
Great way to incorporate symmetry, repetition, pattern, balance....  and math!

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